Marketplace Information and Setup

Welcome to Our Marketplace Seller Program!

Are you looking for a hassle-free way to sell your products and reach a broader audience? Look no further than our Marketplace Seller Program!

How Does it Work?

  1. Registration: Register for our program Click Here
  2. Submission: Submit your products for consideration in our program.
  3. Agreement: Establish terms including pricing, commission rates, and duration.
  4. Product Management: All products are created by using the seller portal. Once seller submits finalized products, Our team will review and approve the prodcuts. Our team is available for assistance with the product building process.
  5. Display: Once the products are approved, they will be prominently displayed on our online store and advertised through on google shopping ads.
  6. Sales: All transactions will be processed through our website and notifications will be sent to your account when a sale is made.
  7. Order Tracking: The status of all sales are managed in the seller portal.
  8. Shipping: The seller is responsible for shipping the product and updating tracking in the seller portal
  9. Payment: Funds will be released upon order completion.

Why Choose Our Marketplace Seller Program?

  • Expand Your Reach: Gain access to our established customer base.
  • Risk-Free: No upfront costs or inventory commitment.
  • Expert Support: Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to Get Started?

Joining our Marketplace Seller Program is quick and easy. Simply fill out the submission form on our website or contact us directly to discuss your products and learn more about the program.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your products to a wider audience and boost your sales potential. Partner with us today and let's take your business to new heights!